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wage accounting中文是什么意思

用"wage accounting"造句"wage accounting"怎么读"wage accounting" in a sentence


  • 工资核算


  • Is an unclaimed wages account maintained and reviewed regularly
  • Crew executive / supervisor assist in recruiting and deploying crew to ship . arranges travel documents and transport for crew . looks after wages account , shores leaves and liaises with crew ' s family
  • Crew manager deals with crew recruitment . deploys crew to ship , arranges travel documents and transport for crew . handles crew training , wages account , shore leaves and liaises with crew ' s families
  • Xbrl gl is designed to overcome the inefficiencies of disparate systems by using xml - extensible markup language . it easily bridges the gap between accounting transaction systems , outsourced systems , stock systems , sales systems , assets management systems and wage accounting systems , and achieves a desirable integration of data in various fields . a description is given of the history of xml , xbrl and xbrl gl , their characteristics and relevant technology , as well as the outlook for improving enterprise management
    Xbrlgl以可扩展标记语言xml ( extensiblemarkuplanguage )为基础,继承了xml语言的特点,能够有效地克服企业内部信息系统整合存在的困难,实现企业的会计账务处理、进销存系统、资产管理系统、工资核算系统等信息系统的有效链接,同时使企业外部相关组织机构的数据交换更为方便快捷。
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